The Snake
A clear few days, and an adventure to go on. Azaros, Trak-Tor, Delyor and Rikishi went out past the hills and mountains discovered before, deep into the primordial forests, where the rumours of Elves live, and nature holds a grip not before seen on the Island.
It is there, in a valley, they met Kruk the Orc, an old chieftain, now taken to herding rust monsters around a strange, huge metal arrow tip jutting from a riverbed. He, after clever positioning by the adventurers, revealed the location of the lake of their desire, and choice wording kept any hostility at bay.
At the lake they found a great challenge, the escaped Hydra rested in the night, yet a host, led by The Three Brothers, wights under Stinous Armenthous, arrived to claim their lair in the lake…
The Hydra nearly fell, but for the intervention of our brave heroes, who snuck into the tower, and destroyed the ancient icy magic that dwelled there, though at great cost to themselves…. The Three Brothers lay defeated, not to plague the lands around Tiheg, and the Hydra was left in its habitat…
Magical Lake
A magical lake was reached after traversing a new magical thicket labyrinth, followed by some trials to proof our adventures were friends of the forest. Leo was cured and then the lake ”disappeared” according our intrepid adventures … no really…